Chris Benoit the wrestler who shook the wrestling industry by its core through his evil deed is again in the talks for the very wrong reason. As we all know the tragic incident when Benoit murdered his wife and his son before hanging himself to death. Paul Heyman in a conference with Inside Ropes was seen commenting on the tragic incident. Now Dutch Mantell in the latest edition of Story Time with Dutch Mantell went on to react to Paul Heyman’s comments on Chris Benoit and critically examine it.

Chris Benoit is undoubtedly one of the most controversial names in the history of sports entertainment. Benoit’s past deeds haunt people to this very day. WWE tried to completely erase Benoit from its history and as a result, there is no mention of Benoit in any WWE programming as such. Now there are some people who find Benoit as a great wrestler ruined by his evil deeds. So there is a constant tussle whether to focus on an art or to focus on the artist’s intent.

Nonetheless, there are some conversations that try to give a clear answer to this question. Now Paul Heyman is undoubtedly one the greatest minds in the history of sports entertainment. While getting interviewed at Inside Ropes Heyman was asked about his views on Benoit and the treatment that is given to his esteemed legacy.

To which Heyman clearly stated that Benoit as a wrestler is easily in the top 5 of all time. But as a person, he did what no normal human being would have done. And then Paul Heyman added that Benoit had a choice, his family did not. And therefore nothing could change or reverse the sins that he committed.
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Now Dutch Mantell in his latest edition of Story Time with Dutch Mantell reacted on to the Heyman’s comments on Chris Benoit. Mantell said, “So do I agree with him? I agree with him on the lowest piece of c*ap. I do agree with him on that. As far as being in the top 5 in the world and professional wrestling, I guess may be. He did a lot of good stuff.”
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Mantell then added, “I don’t think you could really make him the top guy because he couldn’t talk. I don’t know if he could convey emotion. I don’t know that. But as far as performing, I mean he had a hell of a good arsenal of moves. And I don’t know who trained him but he did well.”
Mantell then went on to end this debate once and for all. Mantell said that whatever Benoit did was definitely something on the lowest piece of humanity. Dutch said that on whether or not to include the wrestler in the top 5 is completely subjective and he does not find Benoit anywhere close to the top 5 wrestlers in the history of WWE.