Ric Flair is undoubtedly the most decorated WWE wrestler to ever lace his pair of shoes in the ring. The two-time Hall of Famer is notably known for his work as a heel in different promotions. Ric Flair in his long and illustrious career had won countless titles and golds. Flair also holds the title for most number for WWE title wins alongside John Cena. Ricky Morton in Wrestling Shoot Interviews podcast hails Ric Flair as The Greatest Champion of All Time.

Ric Flair’s career span extends over 50 years. Flair in his career has worked for several professional wrestling companies such as WCW (World Championship Wrestling), WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), TNA (Total Nonstop Action), JCP (Jim Crockett Promotions), and many more.
Flair has also been part of many notable and popular stables such as Four Horseman and The Evolution. Ric Flair literally has immense himself in the Natural Boy persona and is undoubtedly the best character there ever was in the professional wrestling circuit.

Ric Flair has also earned countless titles in his career including the likes of NWA World Heavyweight Champion, WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and WWW Championship. Flair’s championship reign is also considered a golden reign because of the glamor that he used to bring with him.
Talking about Ric Flair, Ricky Morton in his podcast said, “I am just gonna say this. Flair, I don’t care who you are out there, who you are. I am not saying the best worker. I am saying Ric Flair is the Greatest World champion of all time. All times bar and none and I don’t see anybody young, even in the run to take his place.”
Ricky Morton Recalls About a Tense Incident with Ric Flair in Philadelphia

Morton in the latest edition of the Wrestling Shoots Interviews recalled about a intense situation with Ric Flair that took place in Philadelphia. Ricky Morton said, “But to get back to Philly, people don’t like Ice-cream there. I went to the ring first and holys**t, they throwing s**t at me. I was everything but Ricky Morton. Then here come’s Flair. The Row Bone, The Belt. The people are losing their f*cking minds. It’s a heel town”

Morton ellaborated on the story stating that Philadelphia is a Heel town and always cheer heels. He mentioned that he entered the arena as a big heel wheras the one and only Ric Flair got a treatment of a Babyface. But then Morton went to commend Flair’s stature as a heel and his dedication to his work.
Morton said, ” When I got in the ring, the refree Mark told us an hour broadway. Which means we are going to time limit. 10 minutes in that match, I am tellling you they hated me. But see this is what makes the best of the best. 10 minutes in that match Ric Flair had completely turned this whole f*cking crowd. I mean he turned evrybody in that building.”

Ricky then continued his story and stated tha Ric Flair earned a massive heat from the whole crowd. One person also tried attacking Flair during the match. Morton then said that Flair escaped from the ring and the arena as the heat that he was humongous on that night. Thus indirectly praising Flair for his work as a heel and as a professional wrestler. Thus, Ricky Morton hails Ric Flair for work ethics and dedication to the sports.