As we have talked about previously how Kevin Nash called off LA Knight as an absolute rip-off of the Rock and also that he lacks originality in his character. But now Nash in his latest episode of ‘Kliq This’ went on to apologize for his statement related to LA Knight. Kevin Nash stated that he acknowledges LA Knight and his character and that he was wrong saying LA Knight as a rip-off of The Rock.

LA Knight currently is one of the most loved wrestlers on the WWE roster. Knight also enjoys a good amount of fan followers who want him to be pushed into the main event scene. LA Knight is most of the time criticized for being the rip-off of The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Kevin Nash in his podcast also blasted Night for his character.
But in his latest episode of ‘Kliq This’ podcast, Kevin Nash said that if LA Knight is the chosen one and if he is the people’s champion. Then Nash said that he believes he is the people’s champion. Then it doesn’t matter much to him. Nash added that if his segments are doing good numbers. And that is helping the WWE then there is nothing wrong with getting over.
Nash said it was just one of those things where he didn’t watch SmackDown much. So he didn’t know who Knight was and he also apologizes for his mistake. He added that some people that are in professional wrestling actually watch sports, watch films. Nash said that he likes doing other things besides watching wrestling. He added that there are 394 hours of wrestling on television a week and that he just can’t do it.
Nash on Vince Getting Involved in the Creative

Kevin Nash is outrightly outspoken in his podcast ‘Kliq This’ where he discusses professional wrestling and new updates related to WWE. In the recent episode, Nash was seen talking about Vince’s involvement in creative. There are a lot of rumors of the former CEO of WWE Vince getting involved in the creative process Backstage.

While answering Knight’s question, Nash also added that he believes Kevin Dunn has always been so far above everybody else from a production standpoint. He continued by saying that there are a lot of people that are saying the same thing. He continued by saying he doesn’t know whether Vince has his hands in creative or not. Nash said that he has watched the present RAW and SmakDown show. And concluded that he sees a lot better continuity going from match to interview. He added that it just seemed like things are just going very smoothly.
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