When we think of The Rock from WWE, we also think about the Rock Bottom and if we recall John Cena, we get a sense of Attitude Adjustment, without the wrestling finishers, WWE would have been incomplete. So, let’s take a look at the top 7 wrestling finishers in the history of WWE.

7 best wrestling finishers in the history of WWE
7. Curb Stomp
Well, the Impact of Curb Stomp is always jaw-dropping. It was made popular by Seth Rollins in modern-day wrestling and it’s fair to say that the visionary has annihilated a good number of opponents with his finisher. We all remember when Seth Rollins crushed Finn Balor with his Curb Stomp.
6. Spear
As classic as it gets! The spear is a classic WWE finishing move that has been used by many WWE Superstars over the years. But the Tribal Chief’s spear hits differently. Superstars such as Edge, Goldberg, Batista, and more have used the wrestling finisher to win various matches.

5. Sweet Chin Music
The Heart Break kid had a very decisive way of ending the match, it was his very own Sweet Chin Music. The name of the finisher is really apt as it gives us an addictive sound after thrashing the chin of the opponent. Michaels was always really dramatic with what he did and especially about his finisher. He always used to “Tune up the band” first and then deliver his kick.
4. F5
Although Brock Lesnar loves sending people to the Suplex City but F5 is a whole next degree to annihilation. Brock Lesnar has always been known for his power and Beast-like ability in the ring, that’s why he is known as “the Beast Incarnate”. He also did the impossible by defeating the Deadman in WrestleMania. A furious move like F5 can only do justice to the merciless superstar.

3. Tombstone Piledriver
If you’re talking about doing a WWE top 7, The Undertaker is a name that will surely come on the list. Tombstone Piledriver, as a wrestling finisher has destroyed a majestic amount of Superstars. Perfectly suitable to the dark and horrific gimmick of the Deadman, Tombstone Piledriver has loved by almost all the WWE fans, no matter what. Also, the move is so dangerous that it can cause serious injury if not timed properly.
2. RKO
Diamond Dallas Page introduced the move but Randy Orton made it all new with his twist. The brilliance of “RKO Outta Nowhere” is simply unmatchable although it all started as a meme. But Orton’s in-ring agility is ridiculous as it can easily leave anyone bamboozled and dazed.

1. Stone Cold Stunner
Do you really think any move can take the place of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Stunner? Stone Cold is among the most popular stars in the history of the WWE. Only Kevin Owens uses Stunner as a finisher for him and that too is quite less. But Steve Austin’s Stunner was different because of the way he used to hit the mat, and the way his opponents would sell the move like it was the most devastating move especially The Rock and Brock Lesnar.
Also Read: From The Undertaker to Triple H: 7 WWE Superstars with the most pay-per-view matches