Theme songs play a crucial role in WWE as well as professional wrestling. There are several really popular theme songs in WWE that get huge pops. A good theme song is really important towards the success of a superstar. At times, the song defines whether the superstar will be a main-eventer or a mid-carder. Few superstars use different theme songs during different gimmicks in their careers.
Few wrestlers have really Iconic theme songs, as when the very first note of their entrance song hits, the audience goes insane. So, in this list, we’ll look at some of the cracking and fan-favourite theme songs in the history of WWE.
The 10 best theme songs in the history of WWE
10. Daniel Bryan
Bryan’s theme song kept becoming iconic in WWE as he settled his feet in the business. Richard Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries’ opening was enough for the fans to understand who was coming for a battle in the ring. In addition to that, Bryan’s “Yes” chants worked as a cheery on the top.
9. The Undertaker
Every time when they lights go off and the sound gong gets in the ears, the fans understand what time it is. The Undertaker’s “Rest in Peace” suits his Deadman gimmick to its finest. We can’t even imagine any other theme song in the fog and cold lights.
8. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho’s iconic luminous jacket and his “Break the Walls Down” was a delicious recipe. Jericho had the theme song since 1999 when he debuted in the business. However, Y2J always used the theme song when he competed in the singles division only.
7. Randy Orton
Who in the world can’t remember the theme song of Randy Orton? “I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand, they talk to me” is simply among the most legendary initial lines of any entrance songs ever made in the company. However, it was revealed by Jim Johnston that Orton, himself isn’t really fond of the theme song.
6. Rey Mysterio
The audience gets hyped up when they hear “Booyaka, booyaka, 619!”. Rey Mysterio has one of the most recognisable theme songs in the history of the company. It’s highly visual as well as a joy to the ears. The Luchador is using the theme song since 2006 when he competed in WrestleMania 22.
5. Edge

Edge has always got a brilliant entrance song. From “You think you know me” to “Metalingus”, the R-Rated superstar never disappointed. His initial two songs were really famous among the WWE universe, so the company gave him a new song following his hell turn last year. The song is “The Other Side” by Alter Bridge.
4. John Cena

John Cena is a modern-day WWE legend, and his theme song is also a masterpiece. What’s better than singing your very own theme song yourself? Cena’s “My time is now” will always remain incredible in the warm beats of fans. The build-up of the theme songs fuels a fire in fans instantly.
3. Triple H
Hunter’s theme song, “The Game” is a match made in heaven. The original creation of Motorhead, the song screamed that it was perfect for Triple H’s gimmick. The song was made when themes were specially made for WWE superstars. The theme made Triple H more and more intriguing and grander.
2. The Rock
The most electrifying superstar in WWE has the most electrifying theme song too. The very first chant of “If you smell What The Rock Is Cookin’…” gets the audience on their toes. Dwayne Johnson initially used “Destiny” as his theme song, which is not recognised by many because it was quite basic. And The Rock wasn’t really famous among that fans during the time. Since 2011, he started using “Electrifying” and the rest is history.
1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
The entrance music of the Texas Rattlesnake hits totally differently. Consequently, when Stone Cold Steve Austin returned to the ring after 19 years, his theme song instantly received the loudest pop, louder than the American Nightmare. The glass-breaking sound is somehow enough to get the fans excited for his entrance.
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