WWE Hall of Famer doesn't want Stone Cold Steve Austin to return to WWE

In WrestleMania 38, we saw Stone Cold Steve Austin coming back in action after 19 years of being away from WWE.

He faced off against Kevin Owens. And then also gave a few stunners here and there to Vince McMahon and Austin Theory.

A few reports say that we can again see the Texas Rattlesnake in action at WrestleMania 39.

But former WWE Champion and Hall of Famer, Mick Foley believes Austin should not return to the ring again.

According to Mick Foley, Steve Austin has already got a memorable farewell last year and another match isn't needed for the purpose.

"No. He had the swan song and it was a tremendous swan song. It was my favorite match of the night just because Steve went and did so much more than anybody thought he would."

Mick Foley is regarded as one of the biggest daredevils in the history of WWE. His unforgettable gimmicks of Mankind, Cactus Jack, and Dude Love have just added to his glory.

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