Most memorable Royal Rumble Eliminations in WWE history

Shawn Michaels eliminates The British Bulldog (1995)

HBK used some impressive acrobatics to send Bulldog over the top rope and win the Rumble from the precarious position.

Stone Cold Steve Austin eliminates The Rock (2001)

Austin returns from elimination to eliminate The Rock and win the Rumble for a third time

Kane's 11 eliminations (2001)

Kane set a record for most eliminations in a single Royal Rumble match.

Mick Foley eliminates himself (1998)

Foley, as Mankind, enters the Rumble three times, with one of those eliminations being him throwing himself out.

The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels' double elimination (2007)

Both superstars eliminated each other simultaneously, leading to a rematch at WrestleMania 25.

John Cena returns (2008)

Cena makes a surprise return from injury to win the Royal Rumble, eliminating Triple H in the process.

The Rock helps Big Show eliminate The Undertaker (2002)

The Rock inadvertently assists Big Show in eliminating The Undertaker, leading to tension between Rock and Taker.

Batista and John Cena's final two face-offs (2005)

The two powerhouses had an intense stare-down before Batista ultimately secured the victory.

Randy Orton's RKO on a flying Kofi Kingston (2009)

Kofi Kingston avoided elimination by walking on his hands, but Orton caught him mid-air with an RKO to end his run.

Roman Reigns' record-breaking eliminations (2014)

Reigns set a new record for most eliminations in a single Royal Rumble match.

Drew McIntyre Eliminates Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble 2020

In the 2020 WWE Royal Rumble, Drew McIntyre eliminated Brock Lesnar, earning a WrestleMania main event spot and leaving a lasting impact.