"Ring Ruckus": WWE's Top 10 Superstar Flops of 2023

#10 Baron Corbin

His 2023 has been a complete waste of time after being formerly anticipated to become a future world champion and regular upper midcarder.

#9  Nikki Cross

Despite her talent, she hasn't had anything to do, and her content has been terrible.

#8  Candice LeRae

She is one of the worst performers of 2023 because of her place on the card and lack of effort.

#7 Riddick Moss

He demonstrated the potential to display some personality last year. But in 2023, he seemed to be lacking charisma. No one has benefited from his on-screen relationship with his real-life partner either.

#6 Ronda Rousey

Her mic work has been abysmal and her bookings and performances have been far from impressive this year.

#5 Hit Row

Despite their popularity, their booking has been questionable and their content has been abysmal.

#4 Elias

His character has become stale and his in-ring performances have been lackluster.

#3 Lacey Evans

Her position on the card and lack of a push have made her one of the worst of 2023.

#2 Wyatt

His booking and performances have been far from impressive this year.

#1 Karrion Kross

Despite having something to offer, his booking has been questionable and his performances have been lackluster.