Reports say Vince McMahon will make a return in Royal Rumble 2023

Former CEO and a wrestler himself, Vince McMahon recently returned to the Company after being away for 6 months.

Soon after his arrival of the Board of Directors, Vince was appointed as the Executive Chair and has reportedly put WWE up for sale.

Vince has been an integral part of the WWE Universe since the very beginning and has used all his might to bring the company to this heights.

Reports suggest that Vince McMahon will finally break the silence and officially appear on the screens in the annual Royal Rumble event of 2023.

However, reports also hint at an internal discord of opinions on this matter as many think this might not get a good reception from the audience.

If every thing goes according to Vince's command, we might as well get to see the mastermind of WWE in action after a long wait.

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