Forbes named The Undertaker and Kane alongside Adolf Hitler as the most Controversial People in the world

Forbes included The Undertaker and his on-reel brother Kane in the top 10 of the top most controversial People in the world.

The list is led by George W. Bush, Michael Jackson, and Jesus in the top three spots.

'The Deadman' has found himself in the 7th spot in the list provided by Forbes.

The Undertaker's on-reel brother, Kane has been drawn on the 9th number.

Another WWE superstar on the list is John Cena, who's on the 13th number. Not to forget, we'll see Cena back on 30th December.

While Edge and Triple H are on the 21st and 23rd spots in the list respectively.

Controversies have also been raised regarding the list because they have stated Micheal Jackson to be both, Dead and Alive.

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