Andrew Tate's abrupt arrest in Romania sparks reactions from Greta Thunberg and Cardi B among other celebrities

Andrew Tate is a controversial internet celebrity. He is famous for his misogynist comments and controversial lifestyle.

Andrew and his brother Tristan Tate were arrested on Friday night over money laundering and human trafficking charges.

This arrest lured a lot of attention from all across the world. Various internet celebrities gave their reactions on the subject.

Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg replied to the arrest on twitter. She says,"this is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes."

This was in response to a previous video shared by Andrew in which he asks his accomplice to "not recycle the pizza boxes."

Many believe that those pizza boxes gave away Andrew's location and the police were able to track him down.

This online verbal spat got a reaction from international pop artist Cardi B as well. She posted a photo of Greta and captioned it "IDC" short for "i dont care".

Cardi B also reacted to Andrew's arrest with a "Well well well ........" on Twitter giving mixed reactions on the topic.

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