Superstars Who Overcame Injuries

10.  Lita

Lita suffered cracks in multiple vertebrae while practicing a hurricanrana, which is an extremely dangerous injury for a wrestler, and was forced to miss around a year and a half of action.

09. Hardcore Holly

Speaking of serious neck injuries, another wrestler that suffered from that was Hardcore Holly, who broke his neck at the hands of Brock Lesnar during their match in 2002 following a powerbomb.

08. Bret Hart

After a match with Goldberg left him with post-concussion syndrome, and his stroke in 2002 seemed to put the final nail in the coffin. The Hitman was never the same again, but he was able to work in several WWE matches

07. Luchasaurus

Luchasaurus was a member of WWE's developmental system for a time before suffering a severe spinal injury that forced him to retire from the company.

06. Mick Foley

Mick Foley has suffered numerous career-threatening injuries, including being thrown off Hell in a Cell and landing on thumbtacks, barbed wire, and concrete but managed to battle back from them all.

05. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle suffered a severe neck injury. He also had a broken tailbone and struggled with addiction, almost losing his life. Nonetheless, he overcame these obstacles and continued his wrestling career.

04. Ric Flair

When the Nature Boy was involved in a serious plane crash in October 1975, the world almost lost him. Despite suffering a broken back and a serious neck injury in the crash, Flair was able to return to the ring and wrestle for another 30 years.

03. Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan's injury was heartbreaking, as the WWE Superstar had finally reached the summit at WrestleMania 30, only to suffer an injury that forced him to miss almost a year of action.

02. Stone Cold Steve Austin

 Owen Hart dropped Steve Austin on his head, causing a broken neck and temporary paralysis. Despite the weakest pinfall due to his immobility, Austin recovered and eventually became one of the biggest WWE Superstars ever.

01. Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels' career has two distinct halves. His back injury at the Royal Rumble in 1998 kept him out of the ring for more than four years. When Michaels returned, he added to his legacy by defeating The Undertaker and Triple H.