John Morrison calls out top wrestlers after first victory in boxing

Former WWE superstar, John Morrison recently took shots at multiple wrestlers in the wrestling industry, after winning his first boxing fight. John Hennigan, aka John Morrison apparently has some bad blood against WWE. Morrison, along with his wife Taya Valkyrie…

“I think they’re going to end up letting a bunch of guys go” Former WWE star John Morrison in an interview with Ariel Helwani

Former WWE superstar John Morrison said that after the merger of WWE with UFC, there will be a major cut in the budget which will make WWE let go of some of their talents in the coming months. Morrison said…

From Triple H to Vince McMahon: Top 7 Real-life Feuds in the history of WWE

WWE is famous for its brilliantly written storylines as well as its highly-creative gimmicks. Few storylines make the WWE superstars seem like bloodthirsty monsters that can kill each other anytime. On the same page, some superstars get a gimmick that…