"WWE Wrestler's Epic Entrance Fail that went Viral”


Goldberg made his traditional entrance gestures on Raw, but it appeared that he was feeling a little lightheaded since he stumbled with the momentum.

shawm michaels

As HBK made his customary dramatic entrance, his jacket became trapped in the ramp. Not often seen in his 22-year career

 titus o'neil

Titus O'Neil tripped and fell directly under the ring at the Greatest Royal Rumble, giving birth to Titus Worldslide!

 jeff hardy

Jeff Hardy got caught in his entrance pyrotechnics which definitely didn't look good or turn out good for him.

jerry lawler

Jerry Lawler collapsed face-first to the floor as his subjects failed to maintain his throne in position.

Lillian Garcia

During her debut on a UK episode of SmackDown, Lillian Garcia tripped, but she confidently got back up.