What's the Real Reason for Matt Riddle being absent from WWE?

Matt Riddle recently had a really difficult couple of weeks in WWE.

Following an attack from the Bloodline's Solo Sikoa, Riddle departed from the ring on a stretcher.

The company later announced that the Biggest Bro will be out of action for 6 weeks.

But it wasn't the real reason for Matt Riddle's absence from WWE for more than a month.

The real reason behind the hassle is that Matt Riddle had failed the drug test for the second time.

The first violation came when the Original Bro was about to face Seth 'Freakin' Rollins at the SummerSlam. At the time, the company postponed the contest.

But this time, WWE has suspended him and sent him to rehab stating that if he denies it, he'll be fired.

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