WWE superstars who died in the ring

7. “Iron” Mike DiBiase

The father of “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase and the grandfather of multi-time Tag Team Champion Ted DiBiase Jr lost his life in the ring. He suffered a heart attack during the match.

6. King Kong Kirk

On August 23, 1987, Kirk teamed up with King Kendo to take on Greg Valentine and Big Daddy. Because of a splash on his chest King Kong suffered from sudden heart failure.

5. Dan “Spider” Quirk

Just 22-year-old Dan “Spider” Quirk died on May 28, 2005. He was trying to improvise the mistake of his opponent but with head first to the ground, he lost his life.

4. Luther Lindsay

During his time, Luther Lindsay was among the most reputed WWE superstars. On February 21, 1972, Lindsay collided with Charlotte’s Bobby Paul. In a shocking turn of events, he suffered a deadly heart attack.

He was widely known by the Mexican audience and he also bagged multiple Championship Titles. On March 20, 2015, he partnered with Manik to take on Rey Mysterio Jr. and Xtreme Tiger in a tag team match and it became his last match.

3. Hijo Del Perro Aguayo

2. Brian Ong

Brian Ong died in the training session when he was facing The Great Khali. Khali executed a flapjack on him and he looked really Injured. And a few days later, Brian Ong died.

1. Owen Hart

Owen Hart lost his life in front of thousands of fans. At 1999’s Over the Edge PPV, he was hanging 78 feet above the ring. And due to a malfunction of the harness, the star fell chest-first into the ring and lost his life.

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