WWE Legend names the SmackDown star as "Generational Talent"

WWE Legend Dutch Mantell has heaped praises on a SmackDown superstar.

And the WWE superstar is none other than the WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther.

Gunthar is an absolute powerhouse and also one of the most dominant WWE Intercontinental Champions we have seen in a long time.

For some, he's also the contender for the Superstar of the year due to his consistency and dominance in WWE.

Speaking in the latest episode of SmackTalk, Dutch Mantell made his say about the Intercontinental Champion.

"Hopefully, you read them the right way. But Gunther, I’m a big big fan of his. Talk about a generational talent, I think he could probably fall into that category."

Dutch Mantell has worked in WWE as the manager of Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw, Jack Swagger, The Blu Brothers, and more.

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