WWE has officially changed Mia Yim's character name to “Michin”

Just after three weeks of returning to WWE, Mia Yim became an important part of the O.C and Bianca Belair’s side.

But seems like the company has some different Plans for the star.

WWE has officially changed Mia Yim's character name to “Michin”.

Mia Yim explained/defended the change on social media last night, and continued to do so on The Ten Count with Steve Fall.

"It’s a nickname within The OC. All the boys have their nicknames, and they’re like, ‘You need a nickname too.’ Okay."

"We’ll do a nickname that I’ve had since I was a kid. Something that my mom has been calling me since I was a kid. We’ll go with that.”

After all, the name isn't that bad, right?

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