WWE Hall of Famer says that he's invited to the WWE Royal Rumble and the 30th anniversary of RAW

WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair has revealed that he's been invited to a few very important events of WWE.

Flair said that he’s been invited to the WWE Royal Rumble and the 30th anniversary of RAW.

“I’m gonna be there. They didn’t say don’t tell anybody.”

“I’ve been invited and it’s a f**king big deal. Why, because it’s Raw and it’s a big f**king deal. I’m on it, hell yea are you kidding me? 30 years.”

Ric Flair has been really active in the business throughout his whole life.

As a superstar, he won numerous titles. He is a Seven time United States Champion.

As a Hall of Famer, he manages to get featured often in the business.

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