What happened to Mick Foley's ear?

Mick Foley is one of the greatest powerhouses in WWE. He has contributed for the company on extreme levels. He even sacrificed a part of his ear.

Most prominently known for one of his character portrayals, Mankind, Mick was always ready to go to amazing heights to entertain the crowd.

He was not afraid to be thrown from the top of the cell and into the table. However, by putting his body at risk every week, he sure got a lot of injuries.

During his tenure playing as Cactus Jack for WWE, Foley was feuding with Big Van Vader in 1994 at Munich, Germany. This is when suddenly his ear fell off during a match.

During the match, none of the wrestlers knew that the ring ropes were drawn more tightly than ever. Mick was strangled in between the ropes and was struggling very hard.

The ropes were squeezing his neck very hard and he was about to pass out from the pressure. He somehow managed to escape but cut split his ear in the process.

The matched continued and Mick was still fighting. However, his ear was split and was bleeding heavy. During the fight, Vader ripped Foley's ear out and gave it to the ring announcer.

After 4 hours of operation and reconnecting the remaining lobe of the ear, Mick was left with what his ear is right now.