Top 7 most followed WWE Superstars on Instagram

Roman Reigns


Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns starts the countdown to our list with a whopping 6.6 million followers on Instagram.

Brie Bella


On the 6th spot we see one of the most renowned female wrestlers in the scene, Brie Bella. She is pretty popular on Instagram and relishes love from over 8.5 million fans.

Nikki Bella


The older half of the twin bella pair, Nikki Bella has more followers on Instagram with a reach of 10.6 million followers. She is very active on the platform and has over 7,386 posts.

Ronda Rousey

One of the most renowned UFC female fighters, Ronda Rousey is also an amazing WWE superstar and enjoys a following of 16 million.


John Cena


In the third position we see the good boy face of WWE, John Cen who has an Instagram following of 18 million. Cena posts random pictures without any reference and enjoys keeping his fans in suspense.

Logan Paul


Recently joined the WWE world in pursuit of The Miz who betrayed him, Logan Paul becomes the second most followed WWE superstar with a following of 24 million on Instagram.

The Rock


One of the biggest superstars, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is one of the most popular celebrities on this planet. The Rock enjoys over 343 million followers on Instagram.

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