The 7 Best Powerhouse Wrestlers in WWE History

7. Kane

Standing more than 7 feet tall, Kane's wrestling skills according to his size is totally ridiculous. The Big Red Machine of Destruction has competed in the most matches for WWE.

6. The Rock

Dwayne Johnson is among the most popular WWE superstar in the world. Although he started his career as an all-round superstar he later evolved into a powerhouse. 

5. John Cena

Another highly charismatic superstar in WWE, John Cena is a modern-day wrestling legend. After the departure of The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, John Cena became the face of the company. 

4. Hulk Hogan

If we talk about skill, Hogan wasn't the list topper but his physicality was the factor that allowed him to be great for the company. His rivalry with another legend, Andre the Giant is iconic. 

3. Bruno Sammartino

He's simply among the most dominant men who even stepped in the ring. Bruno Sammartino's dominance and powerhouse style helped in being the World Heavyweight Champion for 2803 days. 

2. The Undertaker

The Undertaker has fought in various unforgettable matches that fans can remember at their fingertips. He stands almost 6 feet and 5 inches tall, but it's his agility in the right in extraordinary. 

1. Brock Lesnar

Several superstars who have faced the Beast Incarnate have revealed that Lesner is among the toughest and most powerful superstars that they ever faced in the company. 

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