Players with the most wins in their WWE career

7. Randy Orton: 1205 Wins

After making his debut in 2002, CEO Vince McMahon knew that he'll be a big thing in the business. The Viper went on to become a 13-time WWE Champion. While he competed in 2291 matches throughout his WWE Career.

6. The Big Show: 1223 Wins

The World's Largest Athlete was initially signed by the WWE under his real name Paul Wight. But he soon adopted the name The Big Show. The Big Show competed in 2217 matches for the WWE.

5. Shawn Michaels: 1234 Wins

The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels is among the few WWE Superstars that were blessed with consistency and longevity. Shawn Michaels played 1776 matches throughout his three-decade-long career.

4. Bret Hart: 1469 Wins

One of the most decorated Superstars in history, and although the ending of his in-ring career was heartbreaking the Canadian Superstar completed 2151 matches throughout his WWE career.

3. Kane: 1486 Wins

After a couple of failed gimmicks, WWE rebranded the Superstar as Kane and everything is now a part of history. The big Red Machine went on to compete in 2811 matches.

2. The Undertaker: 1699 Win

The Deadman is a chart-topper in several lists but here, he comes on the 2nd place. The Deadman has completed 2193 matches in his career, winning 1699 of them.

1. John Cena: 1743 Wins

The 16-time WWE Champion's glory in the business is unmatchable. After the departure of The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin, WWE filled their void with young superstar John Cena, who went on to become their greatest athlete.

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