"Kyrie Irving infringed Steve Nash's play calls," says an NBA scout

1st November saw the shocking walkout of Steve Nash from the Brooklyn Nets' playgrounds when they sacked him for poor results.

Fast forward two days and the Nets also suspended Kyrie Irving too. However this time it was for his controversial social media post promoting anti-semitic beliefs.

Under the interim coach Jacque Vaughn and with Kyrie absent, the team is finally looking strong and are actually winning some games now.

When looked back into the teams situation, here's what Brian Lewis could make out of talking to a professional NBA scout who had witnessed Nets situation closely.

"On 10 separate occasions, Nash called a specific play and the scout watched Irving do something entirely different."

"I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, Nash would call something, and he’d run the opposite. I’ve never seen anything like that," says the NBA scout.

"A source close to the situation told The Post that Nash was 'technically the coach,' but that no matter what game plan he gave the Nets, 'they did whatever they wanted,'" Lewis added.

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