Kevin Durant wants to own NBA team in future

Brooklyn Nets' Kevin Durant's business partner, Rich Kleiman talks about his and Kevin's desire to collectively own an NBA team.

"Kevin clearly will have many opportunities to be associated with NBA teams and organizations, staying around the game his whole life."

"I hope I do as well. And I hope that the business we're building puts us in a position one day to be able to have an opportunity to buy into an NBA team." 

""I think that at whatever level we were able to do it, being hands-on with an organization is also what's really appealing," 

"I'd love to be able to operate as a CEO of an NBA organization, and I'm sure Kevin would love to be able to have a hand in building," Kleiman adds.

He concludes: "But I think that that's everyone's dream right now in some capacity in our world." 

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