Former WWE CEO Vince McMahon returns after 6 months of retirement

Former CEO of WWE and an  exceptional wrestler himself, Vince McMahon is one of the integral reasons for WWE's success.

Vince has officially made his return to WWE after being away from the scene for 6 months.

Mr. McMahon had announced his retirement from WWE Universe last year in July after being accused for sexual misconduct.

Vince McMahon along with Michelle Wilson and George Barrios have joined the board of directors effective immediately.

Vince's return parchment also stated the removal of Alan Wexler, JoEllen Lyons Dillon, and Jeffrey Speed from the board of director to vacate the space for him.

The document also talks about the powers in the hand of Vince. As of now, Vince has the veto to stop the sale of the company.

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