Former NBA champion thinks this season will be Steve Kerr's biggest test with Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors found their 4th loss in a row giving them a 3-7 score on the leaderboards.

To this pathetic start by the defending champions, former NBA champion Kendrick Perkins had somethings to say:

"This team that the Golden State Warriors have, this is going to be the biggest challenge of Steve Kerr’s coaching career." 

"Now you have to regain their trust, and now you have to get back that chemistry,”  

“But let’s just think about everything else that’s going on with their team at the moment." 

"You got Klay, who’s still trying to find himself and get back to the Klay of old, who we’ve seen flashes, but it hasn’t been consistent,” 

"There’s only one basketball, so at the end of the day, you only can get a certain amount of shots throughout the course of the game,” 

“Everybody’s not going to be satisfied. So now Steve Kerr, he got to get on his best stuff.” 

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