Following AJ Styles' injury, another WWE Titleholder can be reportedly 'out of action'

WWE superstar Gunther is one of the recent sensations in the show and the current Intercontinental champion.

Our titleholder was reportedly injured in the latest edition of the WWE SmackDown that aired on 30th December 2022.

Gunther and his squad Imperium had teamed up on the title challenger Braun Strowman and were brutally attacking him.

This is when Ricochet decided to intervene and save Braun Strowman. He went on a rampage taking down all of Imperium's member.

While doing so, Ricochet forced Imperium's leader to jump of the rope and have an awkward landing, hurting his leg.

He also hit Gunther on the head with the steel chair, but this time it looked like Gunther was really hurt.

During the commercial break, people caught WWE officials tending to his head. The intensity of the injury is yet to be known.

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