Family of American Marine, Paul Wheelan, who has been abducted in Russia, voice their opinions on Brittney Griner's release 

Former U.S. marine Paul Whelan was abducted by the Russian government in 2018.

He was later sentenced to 16 years in prison in June 2020 on espionage charges.

WNBA star Brittney Griner was also arrested for illegally carrying vape with weed oil cannisters.

However, she was released on a prisoner swap clause where U.S. let go an arms dealer Viktor Bout.

“As the family member of a Russian hostage, I can literally only imagine the joy she will have," says David Whelan, Paul's brother.

"Being reunited with her loved ones, and in time for the holidays,”  he added.

He agrees that the government "made the right decision to bring Ms. Griner home."

"And to make the deal that was possible, rather than waiting for one that wasn’t going to happen.”  

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