7 best stables in the history of WWE

7. The Wyatt Family

The Wyatt Family was a brilliant stable. On the same side it was NXT's first attempt to an upper hand on the main roster.

6. The Shield

he Hounds of Justice defeated almost everyone from the roster. Aa a trio, Dean Ambrose held the United States title while Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins were the tag champions.

5. Evolution

After Hunter gets the title, all the other members will make sure that he remains the champion. The members were Ric Flair, Randy Orton, triple H, and Batista.

4. The Corporate Ministry

This stable was formed after the leader of Ministry of darkness, The Undertaker shook hands with Shane McMahon's Corporation

3. The Hart foundation

It involved Bret Hart, Owen Hart, British Bulldog and Jim Neidhart. The stable held the WWE title, the Intercontinental Championship and also the tag titles.

2. Four Horseman

The original group consisted of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson, and Tully Blanchard. Interestingly, Four Horseman is also the longest running stable in the history.


t started with Triple H and Shawn Michaels as the trailblazers of the stable with their bodyguards Chyna and Ravishing Rick Rude.

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