Top 7 WWE Superstars in 2022

7. Kevin Owens

We saw the real Kevin Owens after the departure of former WWE CEO Vince McMahon in July. He has always been brilliant with the mic and his in-ring skills should not go to waste.

6. The Usos

The Usos' broke the New Day's record and became the longest reigning Tag champions in WWE history.

5. Bobby Lashley

He defeated Brock Lesnar and held the United States Championship for a considerable time in the year.

4. Sami Zayn

Zayn's induction in the Bloodline helped him in having an unforgettable 2022.

3. Gunthar

The Ring Commissioner has held his strong grasp on the Intercontinental Champion and it didn't seem like he's losing it soon.

2. Bianca Belair

The RAW Women's Champion, Bianca Belair had a glorious year. Not even a single female WWE superstar came close to her in 2022

1. Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns had no competition for the top spot in the list. He was victorious in the whole year.

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