This former WWE superstar revealed that he once ate real dog food

A former WWE superstar has revealed something really creepy.

Ken Shamrock has opened up that he had to eat real dog food for a certain storyline in WWE.

Shamrock was quite successful during his time in WWE. He also crafted a win over the people champion, The Rock.

The superstar lifted the Intercontinental Championship and the Tag-team titles alongside The Big Boss Man.

But before all of that, Shamrock faced off with The British Bulldog at SummerSlam 1997 with Bulldog’s European Championship on the line.

Consequently, dog food became a part of the feud. As a result, the loser of the match will dine on dog food.

Shamrock lost the match and he had to do so. “Yeah, yeah [it was real], I gained weight [laughs]. It was good too, it was chunky beef.” he said.

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