RK-Bro are highly likely to be disbanded from WWE 

The possibility of RK-Bro not coming back together is pretty high in WWE. .

RK-Bro consisted of Randy Orton and Matt Riddle. Both characters have been portrayed very differently by WWE. 

Initially, the alliance between the two was highly unlikely. But just like a few other experimental tag teams, that eventually worked out to be good. 

The unlikely candidates found an instant connection with the WWE Universe and they quickly became an adored partnership.  

They managed to capture the RAW Tag Team Titles by defeating Omos and AJ Styles in SummerSlam 2021.  

Afterwards, they started defending their titles at regular intervals against the likes of The Alpha Academy, Street Profits and the Usos.  

According to a recent report from Wrestling Observer, it’s almost clear that WWE has disbanded RK-Bro. The reason behind the disbanding is seen as the uncertainty of Orton as well as the formation of Banger Bros. 

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