" Irving caused some harm to a lot of people" says LeBron James

In the wake of the controversial post made by Brooklyn Nets player Kyrie Irving, he had came up and apologized for the affect his post had on the Jewish community.

Kyrie had made a social media post earlier promoting the movie and book "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America!"

Brooklyn Nets and Kyrie Irving both had to donate $500,000 each as compensation.

Nike suspended their relationship with Kyrie following his post and also called off the launch of Kyrie 8 shoes.

Lakers player LeBron James also gave his opinion on the situation and shared his views.

LeBron says, “I believe what Kyrie did caused some harm to a lot of people. He has since, over the last – today, or was it yesterday – he apologized. But he caused some harm."

“It doesn’t matter what color your skin is, how tall you are, what position you’re in – if you are promoting or soliciting, or saying harmful things to any community that harm people, then I don’t respect it. I don’t condone it.” 

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