Former WWE Superstar opens up about Turning down an "Incest Angle"

We all are familiar that the attitude era in WWE was the wildest.

A formal WWE star has opened up about a bizzare demand he turned down.

Recently, Ken Shamrock opened about how he had to eat dog food because of a WWE angle.

And now he has revealed that WWE asked him to do an “incest angle” during the attitude era.

Ken Shamrock stated that he was asked to be part of an incest storyline with the woman who played his on-screen sister, Ryan Shamrock.

"If I wasn’t married and had kids and you know, all this, I would have done it, but just not for me. I was already down the road. I already had a family and that just wasn’t for me."

"But if you’d asked me when I was 22 or 23 years old, absolutely, but just not the right time for me," Ken Shamrock said.

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